Page 42 - Annual Report
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Council and Committee Reports 院務委員會及其他委員會報告

            Task Force on Genetics and Genomics                           遺傳學及基因組學專責小組
            HKAM-HKGI Research Excellence Grants in Genomic               香港醫專-香港基因組中心基因組醫
            Medicine 2023                                                 學卓越研究獎 2023

            With the successful launch of the HKAM-HKGI Research          隨着醫專與香港基因組中心共同設立
            Excellence Grants in Genomic Medicine (the Grants), jointly   的香港醫學專科學院-香港基因組中
            established by the  Academy and the Hong Kong Genome          心基因組醫學卓越研究獎啟動成功,研
            Institute (HKGI), the first round of application was opened in   究獎於2023年5月接受首輪申請。截止
            May 2023. Five applications were received by the deadline.    日期前,醫專與香港基因組中心共收到
            After due assessment, two young Fellows and one higher        五份申請。經評審後,兩名年青院士和
            specialist trainee were awarded the Grant. Details are as     一名高級專科培訓學員獲得獎項。詳情
            follows:                                                      如下:

             Awardee (Academy College)                     Project Title

             得獎者(分科學院)                                     項目標題
             Prof. Li-jia Chen (Ophthalmologist)           Genomic markers for myopia and its progression and
             陳理佳教授(眼科)                                     endophenotypes in Hong Kong children
             Dr. Chun-ho Fong (Psychiatrist)               Association between IL10 polymorphisms with  Tardive

             方雋豪醫生(精神科)                                    Dyskinesia in Chinese Patients Receiving  Antipsychotic

             Dr. Ka-hon Shea (Orthopaedic Surgeon)         Establishing a transcriptomic atlas of nucleus pulposus
             佘嘉翰醫生(骨科)                                     from development to degeneration in Chinese subjects

            Task Force on Laws for Healthcare Practitioners               醫療人員相關法律專責小組
            Best Practice Guidelines for Expert Witnesses                 專家證人的良好作業指引
            The  Task Force on Laws for Healthcare Practitioners has      委員會轄下的醫療人員相關法律專責
            developed a  set of  ‘Best  Practice  Guidelines for  Expert   小組制定了一套《專家證人的良好作業
            Witnesses’, with the aim to assist and prepare medical        指引》,旨在透過制定相關標準和規定
            doctors and dentists who are partaking, or are considering    並提供實用建議,協助正在擔任專家證
            to partake, in the role of an expert witness by setting out   人或考慮擔任專家證人的醫生和牙醫
            the relevant standards and regulations and offering practical   為相關工作做好準備。該指引已於2023
            advice. The set of BPG was published in October 2023.         年10月發佈。

            Workshop on Expert Witness Report Writing                     專家證人報告撰寫工作坊

            A half-day workshop on Expert  Witness Report  Writing        由醫療人員相關法律專責小組主辦、為
            organised by the  Task Force on Laws for Healthcare           期半天的專家證人報告撰寫工作坊於
            Practitioners was successfully held on 9 March 2024, with over   2024年3月9日成功舉行,共有超過四十
            40 participants attended.  The workshop aimed to provide      位參加者出席。該工作坊旨在讓參加者
            participants with the opportunity to apply the knowledge      應用及練習在「香港醫學專科學院之專
            gained in the  ‘HKAM Online  Training Course for Expert       家證人線上培訓課程」中獲取的報告撰
            Witnesses’ to hone their report writing skills. Ten experienced   寫技巧。十位經驗豐富的醫療法律律師
            medico-legal lawyers and medical expert witnesses were        和醫學界專家證人受邀出席並分享他
            invited to share their insights and practical skills. Participants   們的真知灼見和實務技能。參加者積極
            were actively engaged and returned positive feedback.         參與並給予正面的反饋。

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