Page 19 - Annual Report
P. 19
Major Events of the Year 主要年度盛事
30 Annual General Meeting 第三十屆周年全體大會
The Academy’s 30 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held 醫專第三十屆周年全體大會(大會)於
at its Lim Por Yen Lecture Theatre on 8 December 2023. 2023年12月8日在林百欣演講廳舉行。
During the AGM, the report of Academy Council, Honorary 大會上通過院務委員會報告、名譽司庫
Treasurer’s report, audited accounts and balance sheet were 報告和核數賬目、核數師任命,以及納
all received. Appointment of auditors, as well as admission of 入醫專新院士。
new Fellows, were also endorsed.
(From left) Prof. Eric Wai-choi Tse, Dr. Yu-fat Chow, Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung, Prof. Philip Kam-tao Li, Dr. Wing-cheong
Leung, and Prof. Martin Chi-sang Wong
In accordance with the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 根據《香港醫學專科學院條例 》,五位
Ordinance, 5 Elected members were elected to serve a 選任委員經由選舉產生,並履行任期兩
two-year term of office until December 2025. Results were 年至2025年12月。選舉結果於大會上公
announced in the meeting as follows: 佈,詳情如下:
Elected Member Specialty
選任委員 所屬專科
Dr. Benny Chun-pong Cheng Anaesthesiology
鄭振邦醫生 麻醉科
Dr. Julian Chun-yan Fong Radiology
方俊仁醫生 放射科
Dr. Hung-to Luk General Surgery
陸洪滔醫生 外科
Prof. Clement Chee-yung Tham Ophthalmology
譚智勇教授 眼科
Dr. Sut-yee Tse Family Medicine
謝雪兒醫生 家庭醫學
香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告