Page 38 - Annual Report
P. 38
Council and Committee Reports 院務委員會及其他委員會報告
Peer Support Scheme training provided by the
Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
The third mental health training ‘Mindfulness Induction Group’
programme facilitated by Dr. Ling Chiu, a certified Mindfulness Based
Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme teacher
Events 活動
These past three years have been incredibly challenging due to 受2019冠狀病毒病疫情影響,過去三年充
the COVID-19 epidemic. With a lot of hard work and support 滿極大挑戰。我們感謝所有努力工作的
from many individuals, events at the Academy Building were 同儕,他們確保了醫專大樓的活動在一
held safely, and as hygienic as possible to comply with various 個安全、衞生、舒適的環境中順利完成。
pandemic-related measures. Heartfelt thanks must be given to 我們亦衷心感謝與活動統籌部密切合作
all the organisers for their cooperation, as well as staff of the 的活動主辦機構、設施管理公司及飲食
building management, cleaning and catering teams who worked 承辦商實施嚴格的衞生預防措施。除此
closely with the Event Team. Also, with the professional support 之外,我們還要感謝視聽╱資訊科技部
from the Academy’s AV / IT Team, many hybrid and virtual events 支援混合模式活動或是線上活動,確保
were held successfully, ensuring that medical education and 醫專在疫情期間持續提供醫學教育和知
knowledge exchange could continue uninterrupted during the 識交流的機會。
The third and fourth quarters of 2022 marked a symbolic 在2022年的第三和第四個季度,政府放
turning point in the number and format of events when the 寬社交距離措施後,活動數量和形式均
Government relaxed social distancing measures. Many annual 呈現象徵性的轉折點。醫專及分科學院
fellowship conferment ceremonies, annual dinners, conferences, 的 院士 頒授 儀 式、周年 晚 宴、學術 會 議
and seminars organised by the Academy and its Colleges were 及研討會等在醫專大樓順利舉行。2023
successfully held at the Academy Building in semi-full scale. And 年上半年,醫專大樓內舉辦了各種類型
in the first half of 2023, the Academy Building housed a variety 的活動,當中包括考試、會議、展覽和
of events, including examinations, conferences, exhibitions, and 宴會。學院和活動主辦機構充分利用我
banquets. Colleges and organisers utilised most of our event 們大部分活動場地,迎來疫情以來首次
venues, marking the first ‘full house’ since the pandemic. The 「滿座」的場面。醫專大樓再次成為醫
Academy Building is back to being a hub for organising medical 學及其他活動的集中地。在2023年的第
and other events. And in the second quarter of 2023, the Event 二個季度,活動統籌部還接受了一項於
Team received a location filming booking, which was a positive 大樓拍攝電影外景的預訂,反映一切正
sign pointing toward gradual recovery. 逐步復常。
36 HKAM Annual Report 2023