Page 16 - Annual Report
P. 16
Major Events of the Year 主要年度盛事
The roundtable discussion titled ‘Ten Years Down the Line’
Another key event of the Conference was the Halnan Lecture. 會議的另一焦點是哈倫講座。哈倫講座
The Halnan Lecture is named after the late Dr. Keith E. Halnan, 以已故醫學教育及訓練深造計劃工作小
Chairman of the Working Party on Postgraduate Medical 組主席何禮仁醫生命名,該工作小組於
Education and Training, which made a recommendation to the 1988年向政府提出建議,成立具有法定
Government in 1988 on the establishment of the Hong Kong 地位的香港醫學專科學院。醫專教育專
Academy of Medicine with statutory power. Dr. Hing-yu So, 員蘇慶餘醫生獲邀擔任本次哈倫講座的
Educationist of the Academy, was invited to be the speaker this 演講嘉賓,題目是「Postgraduate Medical
year and shared his insights on the topic ‘Postgraduate Medical Education: See One, Do One, Teach One…
Education: See One, Do One, Teach One…What Else?’. What Else?」。
Dr. Hing-yu So delivers the
Halnan Lecture.
14 HKAM Annual Report 2023