Page 19 - Annual Report
P. 19

Major Events of the Year 主要年度盛事
          Goes Dark for 60 Minutes in Support of Earth Hour            熄燈六十分鐘 響應「地球一小時」

          The  Academy  supported  the  Earth  Hour  initiative  for  the  first   醫專首年參與由世界自然基金會發起的
          year, a world-wide campaign organised by World Wide Fund for   「地球一小時」運動,於2023年3月25日晚
          Nature (WWF-Hong Kong), by switching off all lights (except those   上8時30分關閉大廈內所有非安全及緊急
          for safety and emergency purposes) for 60 minutes from 8:30pm   用途的照明系統,承諾身體力行履行企
          on 25 March 2023. It pledged to start anew as a responsible   業公民責任,鼓勵各分科學院、員工及夥
          stakeholder in the community and encouraged its constituent   伴實踐綠色生活習慣,奉行可持續生活
          Colleges, staff and partners to take up green habits for advocating   方式。醫專將持之以恆,於來年繼續響應
          a sustainable lifestyle. The Academy will continue to participate in   「地球一小時」運動,與各界攜手,協力
          the Earth Hour initiative in the years to come, joining cross-sector   保護環境。
          partnership to make efforts in environmental protection.

                                                                   Certificate of Appreciation presented by
                                                                   WWF-Hong Kong

          Enriching Life through Phonetography                         攝出精彩人生
          Academy Fellows and specialist trainees were invited to a relaxing   院士及專科培訓學員獲邀出席於2023年
          sunset walk along Lugard Road, a heritage trail well-known for   4月15日傍晚時分在盧吉道舉行的步行活
          spectacular vistas over  Victoria Harbour, on 15  April 2023.  An   動,該路段以維多利亞港的壯麗景色而
          award-winning mobile photographer, Mr.  William Shum, was    聞名。醫專邀得獲獎無數的手機攝影師
          invited to share practical skills to capture touching moments and   沈維立先生分享手機拍攝風景及人與物
          unique scenes or subjects with mobile phones, enriching life and   的技巧,以捕捉動人瞬間,激發創造力,
          inspiring creativity of the participants.                    為生活添上姿彩。

                                                                                         香港醫學專科學院 2023 年度報告     17
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