Page 17 - Annual Report
P. 17
Major Events of the Year 主要年度盛事
Run / Walk Challenge 跑步╱步行挑戰
The first-ever Run / Walk Challenge, themed ‘Health for All, Move 醫專於2023年3月19日在西九文化區藝術
Forward Together’, was held successfully on 19 March 2023 at 公園順利首度舉行以「醫專30邁向前」為
the Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District. 題的跑步╱步行比賽。
Academy President Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung hosted the 醫專主席梁嘉傑教授主持這次活動,並
event, and Dr. Johnny Kin-sang Lau, former Chairman of 由醫專年青院士分會前主席劉健生醫生
Academy’s Young Fellows Chapter, delivered a welcome speech 代表致歡迎辭。香港特別行政區政府醫
on behalf. The event was graced by the Secretary for Health 務衞生局局長盧寵茂教授受邀主禮開幕
of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative 儀式。盧教授在致辭間鼓勵參加者,並以
Region Prof. Chung-mau Lo. Prof. Lo who officiated the opening 醫生的角度強調健康體格的重要性。盧
ceremony delivered a motivating speech, emphasising the 教授與梁教授於起跑點前共同鳴槍,為
importance of physical fitness from a doctor’s perspective. Prof. 五公里跑步賽揭開序幕。經過一場激烈
Lo and Prof. Leung sounded the starting horn together to kick- 的比賽,各個組別的獲獎者如下:
start the 5km Run. After a spirited race, winners of different
challenge categories were announced as below:
5km Run 五公里跑步賽
Team 團隊賽
Ranking 名次 Winning Team 得獎團隊
Champion The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
冠軍 香港外科醫學院
1 runner up The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong
亞軍 香港牙科醫學院
2 runner up Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine
季軍 香港急症科醫學院
Male 男子組
Ranking 名次 Winner 得獎者
Champion Dr. Kwong-ting Ho
冠軍 何光庭醫生
1 runner up Dr. Chun-yip Lai
亞軍 黎俊業醫生
2 runner up Dr. Sheung-chun Chan
季軍 陳上俊醫生
Female 女子組
Ranking 名次 Winner 得獎者
Champion Dr. Kit-ying So
冠軍 蘇潔瑩醫生
1 runner up Dr. Dorothy Yuen-yee Tang
亞軍 鄧宛兒醫生
2 runner up Dr. Karen Shee-yueng Hung
季軍 熊書揚醫生
香港醫學專科學院 2023 年度報告 15