Page 20 - Annual Report
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Major Events of the Year 主要年度盛事
More Exciting Activities to Come 更多精彩活動
In the fourth quarter of 2023, the annual Golf Tournament 在2023年第四季度,醫專將舉行一年一
will be organised to encourage Fellows and specialist trainees 度的高爾夫球比賽,以鼓勵院士多做運
to exercise for better health and fitness, both physically and 動、改善身體和精神上的健康,最終有助
mentally, which ultimately contributes to quality patient care. An 提高醫療服務水平。醫專亦將於香港醫
exhibition will be held at the Hong Kong Museum of Medical 學博物館舉辦展覽,展示三十年來卓越
Sciences to showcase the 30 years of medical / dental specialist 的醫學專科教育和培訓成就。而隨之舉
education and training excellence. An online audio-visual 行、以「A Flourishing Journey with HKAM」
exhibition titled ‘A Flourishing Journey with HKAM’ will present 為題的網上影視展覽將呈現醫專今昔。
the past and present of the Academy, including interviews with
Past Presidents.
Our finale in 2023 the Pearl Jubilee Gala Dinner will be a truly 2023年壓軸活動-三十周年慶祝晚宴將
auspicious occasions to celebrate the Academy’s achievements. 是醫專的盛典。醫專將與本地和海外嘉
Local and overseas guests will join to celebrate the milestone of 賓聚首一堂,慶祝歷年來的功績和三十
the Academy, sharing the joyful moments together. A fun-filled 周年這個重要里程,分享喜悅時刻。2024
and meaningful Fun Day has also been scheduled in the first 年第一季,醫專將舉辦充滿歡樂和甚具
quarter of 2024. Stay tuned for further updates. 意義的同樂日。請繼續關注進一步消息。
29 Annual General Meeting 第廿九屆周年全體大會
The Academy held its 29 Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the 醫專於2022年12月16日在林百欣演講廳舉
Lim Por Yen Lecture Theatre on 16 December 2022. The AGM 行第廿九屆周年全體大會(大會)。大會上
received the report of Academy Council, the Honorary Treasurer’s 通過院務委員會報告、名譽司庫報告和
report, the audited accounts and balance sheet, and endorsed 核數賬目、任命核數師,以及納入新的醫
the appointment of auditors and admission of new Fellows. 專院士。
(From left) Prof. Eric Wai-choi Tse, Dr. Wing-cheong Leung, Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung and Prof. Martin Chi-sang Wong
18 HKAM Annual Report 2023