Page 76 - Annual Report
P. 76

                   FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020

                   3.   SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued)

                       n)   Revenue recognition (Continued)

                            Revenue from other source (Continued)

                            ii)   Interest income

                                 Interest income is recognised as it accrues using the effective interest method.

                            iii)   Dividends

                                 Dividend income is recognised when the shareholders’ right to receive payment
                                 has been established.

                            iv)   Rental income

                                 Rental income is recognised in profit or loss in equal instalments over the period
                                 covered by the lease term.

                       o)   Related parties

                            a)   A person, or a close member of that person’s family, is related to the Academy if
                                 that person:

                                 i)   has control or joint control over the Academy;

                                 ii)   has significant influence over the Academy; or

                                 iii)   is  a  member  of  the  key  management  personnel  of  the  Academy  or  the
                                      Academy’s parent.

                            b)   An entity is related to the Academy if any of the following conditions applies:

                                 i)   The  entity  and  the  Academy  are  members  of  the  same  Academy  (which
                                      means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow subsidiary is related to the

                                 ii)   One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity (or an associate
                                      or  joint  venture  of  a  member  of  a  group  of  which  the  other  entity  is  a

                                 iii)   Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party.

                                 iv)   One  entity  is  a  joint  venture  of  a  third  entity  and  the  other  entity  is  an
                                      associate of the third entity.

                                 v)   The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of
                                      either the company or an entity related to the Academy.


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