Page 73 - Annual Report
P. 73

                    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020

                    3.   SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued)

                        g)   Credit losses and impairment of assets (Continued)

                             (ii)    Impairment of other non-current assets (Continued)

                                  –    Reversals of impairment losses

                                       An impairment loss is reversed if there has been a favourable change in the
                                       estimates used to determine the recoverable amount.

                                       A reversal of an impairment loss is limited to the asset’s carrying amount
                                       that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised
                                       in prior years. Reversals of impairment losses are credited to profit or loss in
                                       the year in which the reversals are recognised.

                        h)   Other financial assets
                             Investments other than equity investments

                             Non-equity investments held by the Academy are classified as fair value through profit or
                             loss (FVTPL) when the contractual cash flows of the investment do not represent solely
                             payments of principal and interest. Changes in the fair value of the investment (including
                             interest) are recognised in profit or loss.

                             Equity investments

                             An investment in equity securities is classified as FVTPL unless the equity investment is
                             not held for trading purposes and on initial recognition of the investment the Academy
                             makes an irrevocable election to designate the investment at fair value through other
                             comprehensive income (FVTOCI) (non-recycling) such that subsequent changes in fair
                             value are recognised in other comprehensive income. Such elections are made on an
                             instrument-by-instrument  basis,  but  may  only  be  made  if  the  investment  meets  the
                             definition of equity from the issuer’s perspective. Where such an election is made, the
                             amount accumulated in other comprehensive income remains in the fair value reserve
                             (non-recycling)  until  the  investment  is  disposed  of.  At  the  time  of  disposal,  the
                             attributable amount accumulated in the fair value reserve (non-recycling) is transferred
                             to general fund. It is not recycled through profit or loss.

                             Dividends from an investment in equity securities, irrespective of whether classified as at
                             FVTPL or FVTOCI, are recognised in profit or loss as other income in accordance with
                             the policy set out in note 3(n).


                                                                                   香港醫學專科學院  2021 年度報告       71
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