Page 74 - Annual Report
P. 74

                   FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020

                   3.   SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued)

                       i)   Receivables

                            Receivables are initially recognised at fair value and thereafter stated at amortised cost
                            using the effective interest method, less allowance for impairment of doubtful debts (see
                            note  3(g)(i)),  except  where  the  receivables  are  interest-free  loans  made  to  related
                            parties  without  any  fixed  repayment  terms  or  the  effect  of  discounting  would  be
                            immaterial.  In  such  cases,  the  receivables  are  stated  at  cost  less  allowance  for
                            impairment of doubtful debts.

                            Receivables  are  stated  at  amoritised  cost  using  the  effective  interest  method  less
                            allowance for credit losses (see note 3(g)).

                       j)   Payables

                            Payables are initially recognised at fair  value and thereafter stated  at amortised cost
                            unless the effect of discounting would be immaterial, in which case they are stated at

                       k)   Cash and cash equivalents

                            Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and on hand, demand deposits with
                            banks and other financial institutions, and short-term, highly liquid investments that are
                            readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant
                            risk of changes in value, having been within three months of maturity at a acquisition.

                            Cash  and  cash  equivalents  are  assessed  for  expected  credit  losses  (ECL)  in
                            accordance with the policy set out in note 3(g).

                       l)   Funds managed by the Group

                            i)   Foundation fund

                                 Funds received  which  is used exclusively for the  establishment and use  of the
                                 Academy  at  such  time  as  the  Academy  shall  direct  are  accounted  for  as
                                 Foundation fund.

                            ii)   General fund

                                 The  fund  balance  represents  the  accumulated  surplus  of  the  Foundation  after
                                 deducting  the  amounts  transferred  to  the  Academy  and  is  used  to  finance  the
                                 general operations of the Group.


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