Page 80 - Annual Report
P. 80

                   FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020

                   8.   DEFICIT FOR THE YEAR

                       Deficit for the year is arrived at after charging/(crediting):

                                                                                2020             2019
                                                                                HK$              HK$

                       a)   Staff costs

                            Contributions to defined contribution retirement plans   1,578,852     1,454,783
                            Salaries, wages and other benefits            25,817,223       25,138,826

                                                                          27,396,075       26,593,609

                       b)   Other items

                            Auditor’s remuneration                           167,000          174,500
                            Depreciation                                  13,636,940       20,435,419
                            Net foreign exchange loss                         13,608           22,648

                   9.   TAXATION

                       No  provision  has  been  made  for  Hong  Kong  Profits  Tax  as  the  Group  is  exempted  from
                       taxation under the provision of section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance.

                   10.  PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT

                                               Furniture   Training &      Leasehold      Construction
                                       Computer   and    office   Leasehold   land and      in
                                       equipment   fixtures   equipment   improvements   buildings   Total   progress   Total
                                          HK$     HK$     HK$     HK$     HK$     HK$     HK$      HK$


                         At 1 January 2019   4,297,976     15,711,126    33,945,959     82,936,975     3,335,832     140,227,868     -     140,227,868
                         Additions      360,176     29,400     344,970     229,300     -     963,846     6,168,404     7,132,250
                         Disposals      (94,712)     (505,160)     (5,320,085)     (12,000)     -     (5,931,957)     -     (5,931,957)

                         At 31 December 2019
                            and 1 January 2020   4,563,440     15,235,366    28,970,844     83,154,275     3,335,832     135,259,757     6,168,404     141,428,161
                         Additions      149,438     30,297     36,150     402,773     -     618,658     10,467,078     11,085,736
                         Disposals         -     (116,690)     (148,926)     -     -     (265,616)     -     (265,616)

                         At 31 December 2020   4,712,878     15,148,973    28,858,068     83,557,048     3,335,832     135,612,799     16,635,482     152,248,281

                       Accumulated depreciation

                         At 1 January 2019
                                       2,791,956     11,601,482    30,182,816     45,572,825     1,734,632     91,883,711     -     91,883,711
                         Charge for the year
                                        769,975     2,425,633     2,296,066     14,810,311     133,434     20,435,419     -     20,435,419
                         Write back on disposals   (94,712)     (505,160)     (5,320,085)     (12,000)     -     (5,931,957)     -     (5,931,957)

                         At 31 December 2019
                            and 1 January 2020   3,467,219     13,521,955    27,158,797     60,371,136     1,868,066     106,387,173     -     106,387,173
                         Charge for the year   546,165     1,444,777     1,368,408     10,144,157     133,433     13,636,940     -     13,636,940
                         Write back on disposals   -     (116,690)     (148,926)     -     -     (265,616)     -     (265,616)

                         At 31 December 2020   4,013,384     14,850,042    28,378,279     70,515,293     2,001,499     119,758,497     -     119,758,497

                       Carrying amount

                         At 31 December 2020   699,494     298,931     479,789     13,041,755     1,334,333     15,854,302     16,635,482     32,489,784

                         At 31 December 2019   1,096,221     1,713,411     1,812,047     22,783,139     1,467,766     28,872,584     6,168,404     35,040,988

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