Page 96 - Annual Report
P. 96

               香 港 醫 學 專 科 學 院
               FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023

               16.  RESERVE AND FUNDS (Continued)

                   The Academy (Continued)

                    Fair  value  reserve  comprises  the  cumulative  net  change  in  the  fair  value  of  equity  instruments
                   designated at FVTOCI held at the end of the reporting period and is dealt with in accordance with the
                   accounting policy in note  2(h). Funds received are accounted for in the Foundation fund which is
                   used exclusively for the establishment and use of the Academy at such time as the Academy shall
                   direct. General fund represents the cumulative surplus of the Academy.

               17.  CAPITAL MANAGEMENT

                   The Group defined all components of reserve and funds as “capital”. On this basis, the amount of
                   capital employed at 31 December 2023 was HK$99,384,740 (2022: HK$88,943,580).

                   The  Group’s  primary  objectives  when  managing  capital  are  to  safeguard  the  Group’s  ability  to
                   continue as a going concern.

                   The  Group’s  capital  structure  is  regularly  reviewed  and  managed.  Adjustments  are  made  to  the
                   capital structure in light of changes in economic conditions affecting the Group, to the extent that
                   these do not conflict with the Council’s fiduciary duties towards the Group or the requirements of the
                   Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Ordinance.

                   The Group was not subject to externally imposed capital requirements in either the current or prior

               18.  COMMITMENTS

                   Lease commitment

                   The Academy as lessor

                   The Academy’s total future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases are
                   receivable as follows:

                                                                                     2023               2022
                                                                                     HK$                HK$

                   Within 1 year                                                  378,000            445,500
                   After 1 year but within 5 years                                 67,500            486,000

                                                                                  445,500            931,500

                   The Academy leases out certain areas of its headquarter under operating leases. None of the leases
                   includes contingent rentals.


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