Page 64 - Annual Report
P. 64

The Academy’s Divisions / Initiatives 醫專支部/項目

                2024 Shenzhen specialist training recruitment interview   2024 Shenzhen specialist training recruitment
                2024年深圳專科培訓招生面試                                   written exam
            Continuous Enhancement of Trainers’ Teaching                  持續提升專科培訓導師的教學
            Abilities                                                     能力

            With the support of the Academy, the Centre organised more    在醫專的支持下,中心去年度舉辦了超
            than 30 train-the-trainer courses over the past reporting     過三十場導師培訓課程,內容涵蓋教學
            year.  These courses covered various aspects of day-to-day    技巧、教學反饋、病例教學、試題編寫
            specialist training, including teaching techniques, providing   等各項專科培訓日常教學的技巧。通過
            feedback, case-based teaching, and examination question       這些培訓,中心持續提升了各試點基地
            development. Through these training sessions, the Centre has   專科培訓導師的教學能力,確保導師能
            consistently improved the teaching capabilities of trainers at   夠在醫學專科培訓過程中提供高質量
            pilot bases, ensuring that trainers can provide high-quality   的教學指導。有賴醫專積極參與和支持
            guidance during the training. The successful implementation   課程設計及推行過程,課程得以成功舉
            of these courses is closely tied to the active participation and   行。
            support of the Academy in both the design and execution of
            the training programmes.

            Regular Training for Specialist Trainees                      恆常的專科培訓學員培訓

            In accordance with the training curriculums for each specialty,   根據各專科培訓方案的要求,中心對專
            the Centre has maintained a regular schedule of both          科培訓學員恆常進行理論及臨床培訓。
            theoretical and clinical training for specialist trainees who were   報告年內,中心統籌了超過六十場培訓
            enrolled in the programme. Over the past reporting year, the   課程,並對嚴格監管各專科培訓學員在
            Centre has organised more than 60 training sessions, while    培訓基地的臨床培訓。通過持續監控各
            specialist trainees have also undergone systematic clinical   專科的培訓進度和質量,中心確保深圳
            training at their respective bases. The Centre closely monitors   市專科培訓體系的運作達到國際先進
            the progress and quality of training in each specialty, ensuring   水平。
            that the specialist training system in Shenzhen operates at an
            internationally advanced level.

                Shenzhen specialist training theoretical course

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