Page 65 - Annual Report
P. 65
The Academy’s Divisions / Initiatives 醫專支部/項目
Active Engagement in External Exchanges to 積極對外交流 促進經驗分享
Promote Experience Sharing
In terms of international exchange, the Centre has invited 國際交流方面,中心邀請了英國皇家放
institutions such as the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), 射科醫學院(RCR)、英國愛丁堡皇家內
the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCP (Edinburgh)), 科醫學院(RCP (Edinburgh))、英國皇家
the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), 婦產科醫學院(RCOG)、愛丁堡皇家外科
the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and the University 醫學院、美國威斯康星大學等機構到深
of Wisconsin, to visit Shenzhen for high-level engagements 圳進行高層訪問及學術交流,深入探討
and academic exchanges. These discussions have delved into 深圳市醫學專科培訓的未來發展方向,
the future development of specialist training in Shenzhen, 並共同舉辦了一系列高水平學術講座。
and a series of high-level academic lectures have been jointly 此外,中心應上海市醫師協會的邀請,
organised. Additionally, at the invitation of the Shanghai 組織深圳專科培訓訪問團前往上海進
Medical Doctor Association, the Centre formed a Shenzhen 行學習與交流,詳細了解上海市在專科
specialist training programme delegation to visit Shanghai 培訓方面的成功經驗。通過這些對外交
to gain detailed insights into the successful experiences of 流活動,中心不僅拓展了國際視野,也
specialist training in the city. Through these external exchange 為深圳專科培訓的未來發展奠定了堅
activities, the Centre has not only broadened its international 實基礎。中心在國際醫學平台間的影響
perspective but also laid a solid foundation for the future 力不斷提升。
development of specialist training in Shenzhen. The Centre’s
influence on the international stage continues to grow.
The Vice President of the RCR visits the
Centre and delivers an academic lecture.
The President of the RCP (Edinburgh)
visits the Centre and delivers an
academic lecture
The series of achievements realised by the SZ-HK Medical 中心在報告年內取得不少成就。醫專的
Specialist Training Centre over the past reporting year fully 指導讓中心充分展現其在醫學專科培
demonstrates the Centre’s outstanding leadership and 訓領域的卓越領導力與執行力。展望未
execution in the field of specialist training, under the guidance 來,中心將繼續致力於為深圳培育更多
of the Academy. Looking ahead, the Centre will continue 高水平的醫療人才。
to dedicate itself to cultivating more high-level medical
professionals for Shenzhen.
香港醫學專科學院 2024 年度報告