Page 83 - Annual Report
P. 83

                    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020

                    15.  ACCRUALS AND OTHER PAYABLES (Continued)

                        All accruals and other payables are expected to be settled within one year or are repayable
                        on demand.

                    16.  RESERVE AND FUNDS

                        Movements in components of reserve and funds

                        The  reconciliation  between  the  opening  and  closing  balances  of  each  component  of  the
                        Group’s consolidated reserve and funds is set out in the consolidated statement of changes in
                        reserve and funds. Details of the changes in the Academy’s individual components of reserve
                        and funds between the beginning and the end of the year are set out below:

                        The Academy
                                                                 Fair value      General
                                                                   reserve          fund          Total
                                                                     HK$            HK$           HK$

                        At 1 January 2019                        3,449,565     109,444,107     112,893,672

                        Deficit for the year                            -     (5,560,229)    (5,560,229)
                        Other comprehensive loss
                        Investments in equity instruments
                          designated at fair value through other
                          comprehensive income:
                            Changes in fair value                1,427,981             -      1,427,981

                        Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the
                          year                                   1,427,981     (5,560,229)    (4,132,248)
                        Transfer to general fund                 2,589,708     (2,589,708)           -

                        At 31 December 2019 and 1 January 2020   7,467,254     101,294,170     108,761,424

                        Deficit for the year                            -     (11,188,633)    (11,188,633)
                        Other comprehensive income
                        Investments in equity instruments
                          designated at fair value through other
                          comprehensive income:
                            Changes in fair value               (6,306,965)            -     (6,306,965)

                        Total comprehensive loss for the year   (6,306,965)    (11,188,633)    (17,495,598)
                        Transfer to general fund                (2,389,559)    2,389,559             -

                        At 31 December 2020                     (1,229,270)    92,495,096     91,265,826

                         Fair value reserve comprises the cumulative net change in the fair value of equity instruments
                        designated at FVTOCI held at the end of the reporting period and is dealt with in accordance
                        with the accounting policy in note 3(h). Funds received are accounted for in the Foundation
                        fund which is used exclusively for the establishment and use of the Academy at such time as
                        the Academy shall direct. General fund represents the cumulative surplus of the Academy.


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