Page 65 - Annual Report
P. 65
Honorary Treasurer’s Report
Honorary Treasurer’s Report
A deficit of around HKD$9.2M was recorded for the year ended 醫專在2022年度錄得大約九百二十萬港
31 December 2022. If excluding the approximately HKD$9.3M 元的赤字,如撇除約九百三十萬港元的
depreciation expenses, a marginal operating surplus was 折舊 支出則錄得 輕微的營 運盈餘之情
resulted. The Academy’s overall financial position for income 況。在2022年,醫專的收入和支出整體財
and expenditure of the year was still unfavourably affected by 務狀況仍受到2019冠狀病毒病疫情的不
COVID-19 epidemic in 2022. The Council and its Finance and 利影響。院務委員會及財務委員會將繼
Investment Committee would continue to review and impose 續檢視及採取適當的措施,以確保醫專
appropriate measures to ensure the financial sustainability for the 財政的可持續性。
At the time of writing the report, the Academy and Hong Kong 撰寫報告時,醫專及香港醫學專科學院
Academy of Medicine Foundation Fund held a total of cash or its 基金會所持的現金或現金等價物共值約
equivalents around HKD $89M. 為八千九百萬港元。
On behalf of the Academy, I would like to thank members of the 本人謹代表醫專,衷心感謝財務委員會
Finance and Investment Committee for their time and effort to 各委員付出寶貴的時間和努力,協助處
help the Academy keep a healthy and sustainable position in its 理財務及投資事項,使醫專的財政狀況
finance. 得以保持穩健。
Prof. Eric Wai-choi Tse 謝偉財教授
Honorary Treasurer 名譽司庫
香港醫學專科學院 2023 年度報告 63