Page 63 - Annual Report
P. 63
The Academy’s Divisions / Initiatives 醫專支部╱項目
持續培養高質素而具備國際視野 Commencement of the First Public Theory Course 首次專科培訓學員公共理論課程
的專科培訓導師 for Specialist Trainees 正式開展
過去一年,中心在醫專及其分科學院的 Taking reference to Academy’s experience and leveraging on 臨床腫瘤科借鑒醫專豐富的經驗,並透
支持下,於深圳大力推廣專科培訓課程。 its close connections with the international specialist training 過醫 專與各國際 專科培訓 機構的緊密
中心組織了逾二十五場涉及多個專科的 institutions, Clinical Oncology introduced various advanced 聯繫,將各種先進課程和新培訓方法引
培訓課程或研討會予深圳市十二間主要 courses and new training methods to the mainland china for 入內地,建立了一套融入內地特色的國
醫院的部門主管和專科培訓導師,參會 developing a localised international training system. Under the 際化培訓體系。臨床腫瘤科在醫專的帶
人次超過五百二十人。 leadership of the Academy, the Clinical Oncology division has 領下,在深圳建立了一個完整的培訓體
ultimately established a complete training system in Shenzhen, 系,包括超過二百課時的理論培訓課程
which includes over 200 hours of theoretical training courses 和多 項首次在深 圳應用的 在職考核工
and multiple workplace-based assessment tools that are being 具。臨床腫瘤科首批十七名專科培訓學
used for the first time in Shenzhen. The first batch of 17 specialist 員正按培訓計劃、在中心的監督下進行
trainees admitted in Clinical Oncology are currently undergoing 培訓。未來將會有更多內地醫院和學員
training under the Centre’s supervision according to the 參與該項目。
programme. More mainland hospitals and trainees are expected
to participate in the programme in the future.
的骨幹導師以觀察員身份參與其中,讓 With support from the Academy, Emergency Medicine has 在醫專的支持下,急診科引入香港成熟
他們詳細了解六至十個考站的考核模式 incorporated the mature specialist training system from Hong 的專科培訓制度,以及國際認可的全科
及具體內容,為深圳市開展婦產科專科 Kong and introduced the internationally recognised concept 急診培訓理念至深圳。得益於醫專有系
培訓考核和管理提供借鑒。 of comprehensive emergency training into Shenzhen to meet 統的專科培訓課程,急診科在深圳建立
the practical needs of the mainland china. Benefiting from 了一套以案例教學為基礎的課程,當中
the Academy’s structured specialist training curriculum, the 包含一百零一個不同的實際案例,以及
Emergency Medicine has established a case-based curriculum 超過二百五十課時。
in Shenzhen, including 101 different real-life cases and over 250
hours of training.
Currently, the Emergency Medicine admitted 21 specialist trainees 目前,急診科首批專科培訓學員共
from five major hospitals in Shenzhen. The trainees receive clinical 二十一人,他們分別來自深圳五間主要
training in their respective hospitals, with their training progress 醫院。學員在各自醫院接受臨床培訓,並
supervised by the Centre. The Centre also provides theoretical 由中心監督培訓進度。中心亦安排每兩
training sessions every two weeks. 週一次的理論培訓課程。
香港醫學專科學院 2023 年度報告 61