Page 9 - Annual Report
P. 9


                                             HKJC ILCM

           Learning OnLine Educator Course (LOL) 2.0           New Infection Control Measures

           The pilot of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative   Following in the footsteps of our faculty members who
           Learning Centre for Medicine (HKJC ILCM)’s Learning   continually strive for improvements, the HKJC ILCM has
           Online Educator (LOL) course was successfully held in   implemented new infection control measures in compli-
           December 2021. Since then, the faculty members, led by   ance with the standards of the Academy and the Hospital
           Course Director Dr Hing-yu So, have been redesigning   Authority, in order to ensure a safe environment for
           the curriculum based on valuable feedback provided by   instructors and learners. All personnel are required to
           the eHKAM Task Force members. First, the course has   take a rapid antigen test (RAT) on the day of the course
           lengthened from 1 month to 3 months, to ensure      and submit a RAT declaration form before arriving at the
           sufficient time for material digestion, group project   HKJC ILCM. In open areas such as the 2/F Canteen and
           development, and reflection. Second, the course will   3/F Fellow’s Lounge, dining arrangements can support a
           utilise not only the latest implementation of the learning   maximum of eight people per table. However, catering
           management system Canvas, but also multiple online   for HKJC ILCM courses in private rooms will follow the
           educational tools, as well as introducing collaboration   Hospital Authority’s standard of supporting a maximum
           software Slack, to promote efficient and flexible commu-  capacity of two diners per table. The latest guidelines
           nication.  Finally,  an  introductory  Zoom  session  will  be   and arrangements are routinely updated, and all partici-
           delivered to new learners to orientate them before   pants and instructors will be informed prior to the course
           embarking on the e-learning journey. With these new   commencement date.
           adjustments, it is the sincere wish of the faculty members
           that this course will create an even deeper learning expe-
           rience, empower learners to take full advantage of the
           online platforms, and accommodate a flexible learning
           curriculum in this modern era.

           Owing to the overwhelming response to two LOL courses
           scheduled for July to October 2022 and September to
           December 2022, a third class is now in discussion.

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