Page 45 - Annual Report
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Council and Committee Reports 院務委員會及其他委員會報告

          Webinar on COVID-19-Related Claims and Complaints in the     網絡研討會:醫療機構中與COVID-19
          Healthcare Settings                                          相關的索賠和投訴

          A  webinar  on  ‘COVID-19-Related  Claims  and  Complaints  in  the   委員 會轄下的醫 療人員相 關法律專責
          Healthcare Settings’ was organised by the Task Force on Laws for   小組組織了一場關於「醫療機構中與
          Healthcare Practitioners, aiming to provide an update on medico-  COVID-19相關的索賠和投訴」的網絡研討
          legal claims and complaints related to COVID-19 in the healthcare   會,旨在通過研究英國和香港的案例,提
          settings, using case studies from the United Kingdom and Hong   供醫療機構中與COVID-19相關的醫療法
          Kong.  With the support from a legal firm, the webinar was   律索賠和投訴的最新訊息。在一家律師
          successfully held on 12 May 2023 with around 200 participants.  行的支持下,網絡研討會已於2023年5月


          Task Force on Social Media                                   社交媒體專責小組
          Best Practice Guidelines on the Use of Social Media by       醫生和牙醫使用社交媒體的良好作業
          Doctors and Dentists                                         指引
          With the increasing use of social media by healthcare        因應醫療人員的社交媒體使用量日趨上
          practitioners, the Task Force on Social Media under the PEC has   升,委員會轄下的社交媒體專責小組制
          developed a set of ‘Best Practice Guidelines on the Use of Social   定了一份《醫生和牙醫使用社交媒體的良
          Media by Doctors and Dentists’, which aims to provide useful   好作業指引》,旨在為社交媒體的使用提
          information and suggestions on the use of social media.  The   供實用的信息和建議。該指引已於2023
          set of Guidelines was published in January 2023 and has been   年1月推出並發布到醫專網站。
          posted onto the Academy’s website.

          Young Fellows Chapter                                        年青院士分會

          The Academy established the Young Fellows Chapter (YFC) in 2017   醫專於2017年成立年青院士分會,旨在
          with representatives from 15 Academy Colleges, who have been   透過鼓勵年青院士參與醫專的活動和事
          conferred Academy Fellowship within the past 10 years. The aim   務,讓 他們 更 了解 其宗 旨 及工 作,藉 以
          is to nurture future healthcare leaders by involving young Fellows   培育年青院士的領導才能。分會成員均
          in various activities and affairs of the Academy, allowing them to   由十五間分科學院提名,並於近十年獲
          better understand the objectives and work of the Academy. The   頒授院士資格。第六屆年青院士分會於
          6  term of the Young Fellows Chapter began on 1 July 2022.   2022年7月1日履新。
          Members of the YFC have been supportive of Academy Council’s   年青院士分會成員熱衷參與醫專各委員
          work and actively engaged in discussions of various committees   會的事務,就專業培訓及學術事宜進行
          about professional training and educational issues.  They were   討論和交流。分會成員亦積極參與籌備
          also dedicated to the co-ordination of activities to connect   多項聯誼活動,藉以加強醫專院士們的
          Academy Fellows of different specialties, building ties and   聯繫,提高凝聚力。
          strengthening bonds.

          There are a number of initiatives and activities organised by the   報告年內,年青院士分會舉辦了多項新
          YFC during the year.                                         項目和活動。

          1.  Continuous launch of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Doctor’s Soul’   1.  持續推出「心靈雞湯」的目的是透過
             aims to enhance doctor’s empathy and mental well-being. A    分享醫生在行醫路上的故事,關顧醫
             number of episodes featured special topics and interviews    生的心理健康,為他們帶來更多正能
             with honourable guests. Ten audio recordings were launched   量。分會還製作數輯特別主題的嘉賓
             as of August 2023.                                           專訪。截至2023的8月份,十段錄音已

                                                                                         香港醫學專科學院 2023 年度報告     43
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