Page 36 - Annual Report
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• The ‘Chicken Soup for the Doctor’s Soul’, which aims to bring • 「心靈雞湯」– 醫生透過分享在行醫路
positive energy and enhance doctors’ mental well-being through 上的故事向醫護同儕發放正能量,照顧
the sharing of individual experience / stories in the profession. A 彼此的心理健康。一系列的故事錄音已
series of audio recordings are available on the Academy website. 上載到醫專網站。
• The cross-over education video, which aims to foster • 跨專科教育影片 – 旨在促進各專科的年
connections between young Fellows and specialists, as well as 青院士、專科醫生及醫護同儕的聯繫。
healthcare colleagues. The video gives reflections to doctors, 影片為醫生帶來反思,並讓醫生和患者
and helps improve relationships between frontline doctors and 以不同角度了解彼此的立場,增進醫患
patients through having a better understanding of the stance 關係。繼第一集影片發佈後,年青院
from different perspectives. Several episodes of the cross-over 士分於年內發佈期間發布了多部教育影
education videos were released during the year, with positive 片,分別為「痛症之謎下集」及「全民
feedback received from the viewers. 預防癌症 1 - 愛的篩查」,獲得觀眾正
• Three CME webinars, that successfully held between January • 三場延續醫學教育網上講座 – 於 2022
- June 2022. The events were greatly supported by specialists 年上半年舉行,獲得來自各分科學院的
from different Academy Colleges. Positive feedback was 講者大力支持,以及參加者一致好評。
received from the participants.
• A Winter Mocktail Workshop, a social fun activity for young • 「冬季無酒精飲料調制工作坊」 – 於
Fellows was arranged on 21 November 2021. Approxiamately 20 2021 年 11 月 21 日舉辦的年輕院士社
participants joined the event. 交活動,約二十名院士參加活動。
• Personal Development Workshop, a training workshop on • 個人發展工作坊 – 2022 年 1 月 22 日舉
‘Conflict Resolution for the Hospital Workplace’ that was held 辦「解決醫院工作場所衝突」培訓工作
on 22 January 2022. It was a three-hour workshop run by 坊,由具有多年企業管理經驗的專業培
a professional trainer with years of corporate management 訓師主持,以有趣、有效、具活力和互
experience, in a fun, efficient, energetic and interactive style. 動的形式進行,工作坊長約三小時。共
A total of 20 young Fellows attended the workshop. Excellent 二十名年青院士參加這次培訓,反饋甚
feedback was received. 佳。
To reach out to young Fellows and share the latest news of the YFC 為通過社交媒體與年青院士接觸並分享
through social media, a Facebook page was set up in March 2022. 年青院士分會的最新消息,分會在 2022
Highlights of recent activities as well as video clips of past events 年 3 月設立 Facebook 專頁。近期活動
can be found on the page. 的概要和過往活動的視頻均會上載到專頁
YFC members also participated in the Academy’s Conferment as 年青院士代表並於醫專院士頒授儀式中擔
masters of ceremonies. 任司儀。
34 HKAM Annual Report 2022 香港醫學專科學院 2022 年度報告 35